Financial Donations
Thank you for partnering with us financially to enable us to feed hungry kids each week. We currently serve over 1,400 students each week and a weekend bag costs approximately $5 / child which means that every dollar makes a difference in a child’s life.
STUDENT DONATION: Please consider sponsoring a child by giving $20 / month or $200 for the school year to support one child in Coweta County.
BREAK BAG DONATION: We also provide larger break bags when the students are out of school for an extended period of time and these bags cost $20/child. A gift of $80 would provide a break bag to one family 4 times during the school year.
SCHOOL DONATION: If you would like to sponsor a specific school for a week or a month, please reach out to Nicole at to get the exact number of students we are serving at that particular school.
We are dependent on food and monetary donations to provide hungry children in our county weekend bags and we are so grateful for each dollar that is donated.
Giving Tuesday is coming up on December 3, 2024 and we are setting a goal of collecting $10,000 to help us feed hungry children in our county.
All donations are tax-deductible and will go towards purchasing food for our 1,400+ students that receive weekend bags.
Thank you in advance for helping us reach our goal!
Food Donations
Backpack Buddies relies on the generous support from our community. Any food donation items from our weekly food list is always welcomed and appreciated. Please click HERE and choose from this list of food to donate anytime through out the year.
Food may be dropped off at 96 Werz Industrial Blvd. Our office is currently open on Wednesday and Thursday from 9:00 am - 12:00 pm.
Please contact Lori at for food donation drop off questions or to schedule a different time.